Mansfield Road, Sheffield, S12 2AR
0114 2399824
What is Pupil Premium?
The School is allocated Pupil Premium money for all children who are currently eligible for free school meals, have been eligible at some time during  the past six years, are children of service personnel or are looked after children.
What is the School Required to publish?
The school is required to show the number of pupils eligible for funding and the amount we receive as a consequence of this. We also have to show how we intend to spend the money and the impact of the actions upon the children in receipt of funding. In addition, from September 2016, schools are required to publish a Pupil Premium Strategy report. 
How we present the information
We present several pieces of information for your consideration
  • the amount of funding and numbers of pupil 
  • the way we intend to spend the funding
  • the impact of the funding
  • links to specific pieces of work undertaken
Follow the link below to the Gov.Uk website to find information about the school's spending compared to similar schools.

Pupil Premium Strategy is reviewed each year in the Autumn term with the full governing body. 

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025

Next review date: Thursday 30 November 2023

2024-2025 PE Spending


PE Action Plan and Impact 2024-25


2023-2024 PE Spending

PP Strategy 2022-23 Intake Primary School complete.odt .odt
Spending 2022 - 2023.pdf .pdf
Action Plan and Impact 2022 - 2023.pdf .pdf