Dear Parents/Carers/Children,
Welcome to Year Two. We are really looking forward to working with you to support your child’s education and enable them to reach their full potential throughout the year. We would really appreciate your support by encouraging your child to complete weekly homework / home learning tasks each week. These will include:
- Individual Reading Book – During the autumn term, we will be continuing with Read Write Inc. As part of this, your child will take home a familiar reading book each Friday. Please read with your child over the week, complete their reading dairy and return the book to school each Friday. Children earn points in school for reading regularly at home and returning their book. The points go towards a Reading Star certificate each half term.
- Y2 Library Books - We are very excited because our Year 2 children will be able to borrow books from our school library. We have lots of lovely books which can be loaned out and taken home to share. Year 2 children will be able to visit the library every Friday. During these times, the children will have chance to browse the books and borrow them. All books which are borrowed from the library must be returned the following Friday. The children will then be given the opportunity to borrow other books. Library books will be electronically scanned out and a record of borrowed books will be kept in school. I am sure you will agree that this is a wonderful opportunity for our Year 2 children. Not only will it help with their reading and develop a love of books but will also give them a sense of independence by visiting the library and borrowing books of their choice. Our hope is that you will be able to read this book to your child either at bed time or after they have read their RWI / usual reading book to you. These stories have been chosen specifically by the teachers to be engaging and enjoyable for both of you and will give you the chance to talk about longer, more complex stories than your child is currently able to read by themselves.
- Weekly Spellings – Practise your spellings each day and use the words in your own Super Sentences. Remember to use different sentence types (statement, question, exclamation and command). These will be given out each Friday and the children will be tested the following Friday.
- Weekly Homework – Children will be given a weekly homework task to complete. This might be Maths, Science or Topic based. The homework will be given out each Friday. If your child returns it to school by the following Friday, they will earn a point towards a Homework Hero certificate each term.
- Phonics Play – the activities and games are free to use. These are great for practising your sounds, reading words and spelling! Have a go each day – log in details below.
- Purple Mash – This online learning platform is used to support our Computing curriculum in school. Children will have their own personal log-in which they can use to access their folders at home. They may be asked to complete tasks or 2Dos as their weekly homework. Individual log-ins will be sent separately.
- Times Table Rock Stars/ Numbots – Log on to these using your own login details. You can practise your maths facts and times tables each day. Remember to challenge yourself and see how much faster you can get each day. Keep track of your score and see if you can beat it! Remember your teacher will be able to see when you have been on and how much you have improved!
- White Rose One Minute Maths – This free app is free to download and is a great way for children to practice recalling number facts and multiplication facts. Further details are included in the Y2 Termly Mathematics Newsletter.
- Oxford Owls – Remember to keep practising your reading every day. You can read your own books at home or log into Oxford Owls using your class log in (below) and pick one of the many books on there for your Reading Colour Band (Read Write Inc. books are on there too!)
- ICT Games – Follow the link below and choose games which will develop your Literacy and Numeracy skills.
Here are some useful links that you will need:
· Phonics Play
Username – Intake
Password – bee123
· Parental Support for Read, Write, Inc Link:
· Oxford Owls:
Username – intakey2t
Password - troy
Username – intakey2s
Password – sidey
Thank you so for your support. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
Mr Troy & Mrs Sidey