Mansfield Road, Sheffield, S12 2AR
0114 2399824


At Intake, the school operates an open-door policy. We believe that if you have a comment, concern or question about the school, they are best placed to respond to them.

Details of our Chair, Ms Lucy Fallon, our Vice-Chair Mr. Jamie Thompson and parent governors can be found below. Governors attend parent events and will be available on these occasions should you wish to discuss anything with them.

Governor Constitution 2023-2024


Ms Lucy Fallon - Chair of Governors

Mr. Jamie Thompson - Vice Chair of Governors and parent governor 

Mrs Cleo Metcalf - governor with children in school

Mrs Monalisa Rani  Swati - governor with children in school

Mrs Emma Rower - governor with children in school

Mrs Beth Wood - governor with children in school

Pecuniary Interests



Interested in becoming an Intake School governor?


We have a great set of school governors at Intake and currently we have two vacancies on the Governing Body.  If you are interested and would like to find out more, please get in touch with the school office.  We are happy to set up a virtual meeting where you will be able to ask existing governors about the role and the commitments involved.

We hold a full governing body meeting each term (three per year) and there are three sub-committees:

  • Staffing and Finance
  • Pupil and Curriculum
  • Premises

 We aim to match a governor with the most suitable sub-committee although you may want to join more than one.